How To Get More Followers On Instagram

A few weeks ago, I flew to my hometown of Vancouver, BC and worked with the crew to create brand new (and free!) Instagram training for you. The more engagement your posts receive, the more likely Instagram's algorithm will put your posts on the top of your followers' news feeds. This is an easy way to get many followers quickly, especially if you have a new Instagram account. Our pods require members to have 50+ posts on Instagram to be able to drop their links, members can't swap account and use a fake profile to give engagement, and we even control spammy comments by banning those who return spammy copy paste comments.

For example, if you are going to an industry event, a trade show, or similar then maybe reach out to some brands and offer to cover it for them on their accounts as a ‘guest grammer'. This doesn't mean that posts that have lower engagement levels will completely drop off your feed.

Sure you can do S4S (shoutout for shoutout) with someone who has similar content and is of similar size even when you both have just 100 followers. It's a bit of a balancing act: you want a popular time, but not if it's exactly when everyone in your Instagram circle posts, with the exact-same strategy in mind.

Also, use only the most relevant, relatable, and attractive photos to share and maintain your Instagram followers interest. This is especially useful if you want to direct the attention of potential followers to one piece of content in particular, such as a new album, product line, or piece of art.

You may be tempted to send Instagram users straight to your website's homepage, but you'd be missing out on opportunities to gather information and create longer-lasting relationships. And this is especially true if you don't have a ton of followers and you haven't become accustomed to dozens of comments on each Facebook post, Tweet, or ‘gram.

If you're just starting out, set aside 20 to 30 minutes a day to simply engage with your followers through liking their content, responding to comments, and finding new accounts to follow. For every 100 likes that you leave, you'll get around 8 follows back, provided that you like photos on average, non-celebrity accounts.

Like these photos to increase engagement with other accounts within your industry. From what I have read, a new post is first shown to smaller portion of your followers, and if it gets their attention in the form of likes and comments over 4 words, then it is moved up in status and shown to more of your following.

When get followers on instagram for free framed this way, the focus becomes more about trying to attract people to your social accounts that may actually one day do business with you, rather than followers for followers sake. How this technique achieves results is that the people who you follow will notice that you have followed them, and these people are likely to check out your profile, and if your content is of a niche they are interested in, they might follow you.

As I mentioned earlier, asking people to follow to take part in a contest can be a great way to get followers. Start your own by sending direct messages to users with follower counts similar to yours (a brand with 50k followers on Instagram isn't going to want to join a DM group with a brand with 500 followers).

Be sure to include the conference's branded hashtag in your Instagram posts to build relationships with like-minded people. 20. Use Latergramme to schedule your Instagram posts. To get new followers on Instagram (or any other platform for that matter), you have to get people to your account first.

While there are indeed some obvious things you can do to get better results out of Instagram - be it uploading better content, switching towards videos instead of still photos, using captions that have a call to action, getting niche relevant engagement - whatever those tricks are, there are not a fixed and set ‘algorithm'.

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